Friday 1 May 2015

LO2 task 3 Sketches

My first sketch is of the Golden Post Box for the gold medal winner Jessica Ennis from Sheffield.

In the foreground of my photograph there will be the floor/concrete and in the background there will be the sky, this will be framing the post box so the viewers attention goes directly to it.

Angle and Shot Type
Me at a low angle, the reason in which I'm going to be at a low angle is to represent winning or been on top and the shot type that I am going to use is a close up to show detail within the phone box.

Shutter speed and Aperture
The shutter speed I am going to use will be an average one 1/125th of a seconds this is because the phone box is still and I won't need motion blur or freezing a movement. The aperture I will be using will be a fairly big one like f5.6 this is so there is enough light going in to the camera to get the perfect exposer.

The equipment that I will be needing is a camera with a standard kit lens to get a good focal point been the Golden Post Box.

I will be taking this picture on Albert Road this is because it is where the Post Box is located.

This sketch is of the Forge masters building, I will be taking the picture of where it says Forge masters on the side of it or if I can get permission I will be going inside and taking pictures of the machines.

Angle and Shot Type
For this picture I am going to be at a low angle again or a side-angle to see all the street but I am going to use Deep depth of field to put everything in focus and the shot type I am going to use is a wide shot to get all of the building in it. The reason I am going to be taking the picture at a low angle is because I want to show people that forge masters is a on-going and growing company that has put Sheffield on the map therefore it is a majorly big part of Sheffield.

Shutter speed and Aperture
When doing the machines I will either use a fast shutter speed 1/250th of a second and a slow one 1/30th of a second, this is to change the way the sparks will be seen by the viewers, the slower the shutter speed the more the viewers can see where the spark is going and the faster the shutter speed the more the viewers see the sparks frozen within the air.  the aperture that I am going to use will also be a average one like f5.6 this is because I am creating a still picture.

The equipment that I will be using for his photograph will be a camera with a Standard kit lens and maybe a tripod to make sure my picture stays in focus and doesn't have any problems caused by my movement.

The location in which I am going to be taking the photograph is on Brightside Lane where the building is located.

Football grounds both Sheffield Wednesday.

Angles and Shot types
The shot type that I will be using is a wide shot or I might use a close-up of the football club badges, this is to get all the building in it and to show the difference between teams. The angle that I will be using is a eye-level shot, this is so when trying to use different types of lens to give it different effects.

Shutter speed and Aperture
The shutter speed that I will be using will be a average one like 1/125th of a second, this is because it is a still picture I am wanting to create and the aperture that I will be using with also be a average one like f8.

The equipment that I will need with be a Camera, a Tripod, a Standard Kit lens and a Fish-eye lens. I will be using the fish-eye lens to make it look more rounded and realistic.

Both locations will be where the ground are located which are Hillsborough which is where Sheffield Wednesday is located and Bramall Lane where Sheffield United is located.

This sketch is of Henderson's Relish building, this is what I will be taking a photograph of.

Angle and Shot type
The angle I am going to be using will be a eye-level view and the shot type

Shutter speed and Aperture
The shutter speed that I will be using will be an average shutter speed of 1/125th of a second and The aperture that I am going is a big one like f2.8 this is to get Shallow depth of field in the background.

The equipment that I will need will be a Camera, a Tripod, a Standard Kit lens

The location of this photograph I will be taking is at Leavygreave Road where the building is located.

This sketch is of the Sheffield Cathedral

Angle and Shot type
The angle I am going to be using for this picture will be either a low-angle but if I can get permission to go in to a building across the road that a high-angle, I will be using a high-angle instead of low to show how big the building is not just from the front but to the back as well and the shot type I will be using will be a wide shot to show the whole of the building.

Shutter speed and Aperture
The Shutter speed I will be using will be a slow shutter speed like 1/60th of a second so I can create motion blur of people who are going to be walking past, this will make it easier for me because I then don't have to ask people for permission of whether I can take the photo or not because their faces will not be seen. The aperture that I will be using will be a average one like f5.6 because I don't want it to be too exposed.

The equipment that I will need for this will be a Camera, Tripod and a Wide shot lens.

The location for the Cathedral is on Church Street in the town centre of Sheffield.

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