Friday 22 May 2015

LO4 - Final Pieces

For this photograph I used the magnetic lasso tool, this was so I could go around the building and cut out anything I didn't want to be in colour.

For the Golden Post Box I used the magnetic lasso tool to go around the post box, this is so I could make everything black and white and keep the post box Gold.

I used the Magnetic Lasso tool for this photograph also, it was so I could go around the sign to keep it orange and make the background and foreground black and white.

For this photograph I used the Magnetic Lasso tool and Quick Selection tool, this was to make it easier to select all of the building except the blue part because I wanted to keep them and turn everything else black and white.


Wednesday 13 May 2015

LO3/4- Photographs and Evaluation

Setting up equipment: For this photograph I didn't really need to set any equipment up all I used was my camera and wide shot lens.

Summary: This photograph of the Henderson's Relish building fits in with my theme perfectly because I am trying to show the different buildings/companies that put Sheffield on the map. This is a very suitable picture for my theme because Henderson's Relish is one of the oldest companies that have gone world wide and are still popular to the present day.

Techniques: The shot type that I used for this photograph is landscape and I did this so I could get all of the building within the frame. The angle that I used was a eye-level angle, this is because I wanted to connote the importance of the building. In the foreground the road that the building is located on is denoted clearly and in the background there is the sky, these two could have also been used as my framing for the photograph.

Composition and rule of thirds: This photograph is balanced because everything looks as it should be, its in focus and the photograph is clear on what its supposed to be. For this photograph I used the rule of thirds by make sure my subject was on the main focal points which would be in the middle, this would be my strength. My improvement for this photograph is to have got lower when taking the photograph so more of the sky was showing instead of the road.

What settings were used: Shutter speed was 1/80 which is a slow shutter speed with an Aperture of  f / 6.3, this means it is putting the scenery in focus or it having DDOF and the ISO that was used was 100. The lens that was used to take this photograph was a wide shot lens this was so I could get all of the building in the shot.

Editing ideas: For this picture what I am going to do in photoshop is make the picture black and which but keep the logo/sign as the bright orange, this will make it stand out and show what the building represents, it representation success but in a old fashioned way, the old fashioned way i think is b y having a modern building with a more complex sign.

Setting up equipment: For this photograph I didn't need to set up any equipment as I didn't need a tripod, the only things that I needed was the camera and the wide shot lens.

Summary: This photograph of the Henderson's Relish building fits in with my theme perfectly because I am trying to show the different buildings/companies that put Sheffield on the map. This is a very suitable picture for my theme because Henderson's Relish is one of the oldest companies that have gone world wide and are still popular to the present day.

Techniques: For this photograph the shot type that I used was landscape, this is so I was able to get all of the building within the frame. The angle that I used was a eye-level angle which I did because it denotes the importance of the building and how long a company may last for over the years. In the foreground is the road, path and lamppost, also in the background is the sky and some trees which could have been used for framing.

Composition and rule of thirds: The composition for this photograph that I have tried to connote is leading lines, I think I have used this because I wanted to show the architecture through the photography. My improvements for this photograph is to take the photo at different angles instead of it been eye-level, I could have tried a high-angle or a low-angle.

What settings were used: The shutter speed for this photograph was 1/60th of a second which is a slow shutter speed and the aperture was f / 5.6 with an ISO of 100. The lens that was used for this photograph was a wide shot lens so all of the building was in the frame.

Editing ideas: For this picture I plan on doing the same as I plan on doing with the other picture of the Henderson's Relish building, I will be doing it all in black and white but the sign will stay the same but for this one I will need to enhance the colour slightly to make it brighter.

Setting up equipment: For this photograph the only equipment I needed to use was my camera and the fish-eye lens.

Summary: This photograph is of the main entrance of The Sheffield Wednesday football ground and it fits in with my theme and is a suitable picture because it is the oldest Sheffield football club that has been going for years.

Techniques: The shot type of this photograph is landscape and the angle that I have used is a eye-level angle, I have used these so I could get all of the building I wanted within my shot. In the foreground there is the bridge which has leading lines, this will draw the audiences attention straight to the doors and badge. In the background there is the sky over the top of the building, both foreground and background could also be used for framing. In this photograph it has leading lines which draws the audiences attention to the middle of the building like the doors or badge.

Composition and rule of thirds: The composition for this picture is that the important thing is in the middle of the shot on the four main focal points when using the rule of thirds. The brown part of the building is on the focal points because that is what I want my audience to focus on.

What settings were used: The shutter speed that was used for this photograph was 1/160th of a second which is a fast shutter speed with an aperture of f / 8.0 and an ISO of 100. The lens for this photograph that has been used is a fish-eye lens, this is to make the building look more 3D.

Editing ideas: For this photograph I will be turning everything into black and white except the blue parts within the picture, instead of making them black and white I will be enhancing the saturation to make them more vibrant.

Setting up equipment: For this photograph the only equipment I needed to use was my camera and the fish-eye lens.

Summary: This photograph is of the main entrance of The Sheffield Wednesday football ground and it fits in with my theme and is a suitable picture because it is the oldest Sheffield football club that has been going for years.

Techniques: The shot type of this photograph is landscape and the angle that I have used is a low angle shot, I have used these so I could get all of the building I wanted in the fram in it and I used a low angle because it makes the image look life like size. In the foreground there is the bridge which has leading lines, this will draw the audiences attention straight to the doors and badge. In the background there is the sky over the top of the building, both foreground and background could also be used for framing.

Composition and rule of thirds: The composition for this photograph is the point of importance is on the four main focal points which is the brick part of the building, this is the point of importance because of the Sheffield Wednesday badge in the middle of it.

What settings were used: The shutter speed used for this photograph is 1/160th of a second which is a fast shutter speed with an aperture of f / 7.1 and ISO of 100. The lens that I will be using for this photograph will a fish-eye lens to make it look more 3D and to get the part of the building I want into the frame

Editing ideas: For this photograph my editing idea is to make everything black and white except the blue part of the picture, they will be staying blue but I will be making them more brighter so they are eye catching to the audience.

Setting up equipment: For the Forgemasters photograph I didn't need a lot of equipment, there was only two things I needed which was my camera and the telephoto lens, I used this lens because the building was to far away from where I was standing and I wanted to show the name and logo in focus as a close up.

Summary: This photograph is of the Sheffield Forgemasters building which fits in with my theme and it a suitable picture because it is one of the oldest companies that provides use with everyday objects like cutlery, it is a non-stop growing company that is still popular to the present day.

Techniques: The shot type that I used for this photograph is a landscape shot with an angle that is low, the reason I used a low angle shot is because I wanted to show the importance of the company and also to represent that the company is still growing and becoming more successful each day. The framing for this photograph was the building it-self because I wanted my main focus to be of the logo and the name of the building. The building that I have taken a picture of has leading lines, leading lines help to draw the audiences attention to the important thing you want them to look at.

Composition and rule of thirds: The composition of this photograph is the logo and name of the building going along the main four focal point which are when using the rule of thirds, meaning that the audience will automatically look at them.

What settings were used: The settings for this photograph that were used was the shutter speed at 1/250th of a second which is a fast shutter speed, the reason why I used a fast shutter speed is because I was a bright day and I wanted to capture all of the detail within the frame. An aperture of f / 10.0 which is used for the depth of field and the ISO at 100. The lens that I used for this picture was the telephoto lens, this was so I could get a close up of the logo and name of the building without getting so close to it.

Editing ideas: For this photograph the editing idea is to make the building look more masculine by making it black and white but turning the contrast down to make it darker. For the writing I will be enhancing the colour red to make it stand out more from the building.

Setting up equipment: The equipment that I used for this photograph are a camera and a wide shot lens.

Summary: This photograph is of the Sheffield Forgemasters building which fits in with my theme and it a suitable picture because it is one of the oldest companies that provides use with everyday objects like cutlery, it is a non-stop growing company that is still popular to the present day.

Techniques: The shot type that I used for this photograph is landscape with a low angle shot, the reason I used a low angle shot because I wanted to show that the masculinity of the building and how it has developed over the years. What I used for framing was the sky and the tree because they are bright which makes the building stand out because of how dark it is.

Composition and rule of thirds: The composition of this photograph is that the buildings logo and name is in the middle of the photo, which would mean when using the rule of thirds the building will be on the four main focal point in the middle.

What settings were used: The shutter speed that was used for this photograph was 1/250th of a second which is a fast shutter speed and an aperture of f / 10.0 and the ISO of 100. I used a fast shutter speed because I didn't want the photograph to be over exposed to light, if it wasn't a bright day the shutter speed will have been slower and a large aperture to make everything in focus, background an foreground The lens that I used for this photograph was a wide shot lens, this was because when I tried the telephoto lens it zoomed in to much when I did want it to therefore I used the wide shot lens to get the whole building into the frame.

Editing ideas: The idea that I had for this photograph was to make everything black and which but the red that is in the logo and the Sheffield Forgemasters on the side of the building. This will make the building stand out more because of the vibrant colour along the side of it.

Setting up equipment: The equipment that I used for this photograph are a camera and a wide shot lens.

Summary: This photograph is of the Cathedral in the middle of Town which fits in perfectly with my theme and is a suitable picture because the main part to the building has been there for a long time compared to the extension on it.

Techniques: The shot type that was used for this photograph is a landscape shot with a low angle, the reason I used a low angle is because I wanted to show the importance of the building itself. The framing that I used for this was the blue sky, the grass and the concrete slabs/floor.

Composition and rule of thirds: The composition for this photograph was the tower in the middle of the picture which will be on the four main focal points when using the rule of thirds.

What settings were used: The shutter speed that was used for this photograph was 1/400th of a second which is a very fast shutter speed which was used because it was a bright day and I didn't want the picture over exposed, an aperture of f / 14.0 so everything is in focus and ISO of 200. The lens that I used was a wide shot lens, this is because I wanted to get as much as the old building in the farm as possible including the tower.

Editing ideas: The editing ideas for the photograph is to have everything black and white again so the building stand out with it been its normal colour and the grass staying green but the colour of it been enhanced.

Setting up equipment: The equipment that I used for this photograph are a camera and a wide shot lens.

Summary: This photograph is of the Cathedral in the middle of Town which fits in perfectly with my theme and is a suitable picture because it is one of the oldest building in the middle of the town centre.

Techniques: The shot type that was used for this photograph is a landscape shot with a eye level angle, the reason I used a eye level angle is because I wanted to show how big the building would look if looking directly at it in person. The framing that I used for this photograph was the sky and the ground.

Composition and rule of thirds: The composition for this photograph was the tower in the middle of the picture, this will be on the four main focal points when using the rule of thirds.

What settings were used: the shutter speed that was used for this photograph was 1/400 of a second which is a fast shutter speed with an aperture of f / 14.0 and ISO of 200. I used these setting because I wanted to keep everything in focus and didn't want to over expose it to light. The lens that I used was a wide shot lens, this is because I wanted to get as much as the old building in the farm as possible including the tower.

Editing ideas: Editing ideas for this photo will be everything becoming black and which except the building and the grass, this is because it will draw peoples attention to the building because it has colour where as everything else around it doesn't.

Setting up equipment: I didn't need to set up any equipment for this photograph all I need was my camera and my standard kit lens.

Summary: This photograph is of the Golden Post box in the Town centre, this photograph fits in perfectly with my theme and is a suitable picture because it shows a famous landmark that people would go to see which is a new landmark, it represents Jessica Ennis winning a gold medal.

Techniques: The shot type that has been used for this photograph is portrait with a low angle, the reason I used a low angle is because I wanted to show importance of the landmark, representing that anything is possible wherever you come from. The framing for this is the ground and the building in the background, it makes the oat box stand out.

Composition and rule of thirds: For the composition the Post box is on the left which will be on the two focal points on the left hand side which will draw the audiences attention to it.

What settings were used: The shutter speed that was used for this photograph was 1/400 which is a very fast shutter speed which is to freeze an object, with an aperture of f / 5.6 and ISO of 200. The lens that was used was a standard kit lens, this is because I didn't want any effect like SDOF or a large space in the photograph I only wanted the Post box, which also links with the aperture, if the aperture was higher than f / 5.6 then the foreground and background together wouldn't be in focus.

Editing ideas: The editing idea for the photograph is to make everything in the background and foreground black and which leaving the Postbox golden but enhancing the gold a bit more to make it more vibrant.

Setting up equipment: I didn't need to set up any equipment for this photograph all I need was my camera and my standard kit lens.

Summary: This photograph is of the Golden Post box in the Town centre, this photograph fits in perfectly with my theme and is a suitable picture because it show that someone from out city has gone to the Olympics representing our city and winning a gold medal.

Techniques: The shot type that has been used for this photograph is portrait with a eye level angle, I used an eye level angle because I wanted to show all of the cracks and the way it has been vandalised but is still standing strong, it show determination. For the framing I did have a lot to work with so I had to use the building behind it and the floor.

Composition and rule of thirds: For the composition this picture is the Postbox is in the middle of the photograph which means that when using the rule of thirds it will be on the four main focal point in the middle of the photograph.

What settings were used: The shutter speed that was used for this photograph was 1/400, which a aperture of f / 10.0 which is a small aperture, this means it has deep depth of field which is where everything is in focus and an ISO of 400, this means that the photograph was too low key meaning it needed to be more exposed to light. The lens that was used was a standard kit lens, this was so I could get all of the Post box in the frame.

Editing ideas: The editing idea for the photograph is to make everything in the background and foreground black and which leaving the Postbox golden, but I will be enhancing the gold which will then enhance the way in which it has been vandalised.