Friday 27 March 2015

LO2 task 2 Treatment

I have been asked to create a photograph that has something to do with identity, it could have been the identity of me or the identity of something that might be important to me or everyone else.

Concept Idea
The final idea that I want to do is to take picture for the identity of Sheffield, this includes famous/popular places in Sheffield like the Forgemasters building or Meadowhall Shopping centre. To take these picture I will be using different lenses to get different effects like the fish eye lens that will allow you to see the building in a 3D type way and a telephoto lens to capture it at different angles in different places and to also get close up shots and wide shots. I will also be using a depth of field lens in some picture to make the main subject I am trying to portray within the picture look of importance, therefore the important object or landscape will be clear and background will not be.

Target Audience
  • Age- 18+
  • Gender- Male and female but mostly female because stereotypically they are more into art and photography than men.
  • Demographs- BC1, C2, D and E are the group types that are most likely groups to view my images in the exhibition.

Key Milestones
  • Planning-    Friday 17th April
  • Taking photographs-       Friday 8th May
  • Editing photographs-      Friday 22nd May 
  • Launch date-        Friday 12th June

The equipment that I will need to us when taking photographs like this will be my camera with a standard lens kit, the different types of lens that will be used like telephoto lens, fish eye lens and a depth of field lens. I will also need a Tripod when taking the picture to make sure that there is no movement when the picture is been took, this could effect the quality of the photo. The final thing that I will need is a SD card, this is to record all of my photographs and then put them on th computer for editing.

Props and models
In my photographs props and models weren't considered because I only wanted Sheffield landmarks but if I had models in my photos I would ask someone that is of importance to the city like David Blunkett or the owner of the Steel works within Sheffield. For the props I would be something like the Steel statues located outside Meadowhall Shopping Centre which would connote both Steel works and The shopping centre working together. Another prop would be a bottle of Henderson's Relish which connotes that Sheffield is the owner of the shops that sells it and the factories that makes it.

Health and safety considerations
When looking at Health and safety regulations that is a lot that need to be considered like the location in which the photograph is been taken because there may be dangers in the location that the photographer will need to know about. Another thing to consider would be to get permission when taking a photo of an object, building or location, this is so when taking the photograph you are aloud to do so.

Legal and ethical considerations
  • Copy write- Copy write means having the right to make copies of a piece of work, meaning getting permission from the creator for their intellectual property. This is important because if you copy something without the creators permission, by law they can get sued for 'stealing' the idea.
  • Model Release- Model release is a legal release signed by the photographer or creator of a photograph giving permission to release it to the public. For my project I will need permission to be able to take photos of the building that make Sheffield like Forgemasters and I will gain permission by either going to the council to ask if I can take the photo or to go to the building and talking to the manger and get permission off them.
  • Public Space- The public space that I will be planning on using are roads, footpaths and a public building where people have access to freely walk but when taking photos here I have to be careful that I don't take a photo with a persons face in without them giving permission.
  • Misrepresentation- A misrepresentation is a false statement like stereotypes like religion, race, age or gender. It is important that I do not do this because I don't want people to think my piece of work is based on using stereotypes to make my photo.

My back-up idea if this one does not go to plan is portrait of my family tree, this will be my identity. For this idea I will be taking photograph of the oldest members of my family to the youngest and putting certain parts of their faces together to show the resemblance of each member and for this I will either use the standard kit lens or a macro lens to I can capture the detail within the faces.

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