Friday 27 March 2015

Copyright, permissions, legal and ethical LO2


Copyright means having the right to make copies of a piece of work, meaning getting permission from the creator for their intellectual property. This is important because if you copy something without the creators permission, by law they can get sued for 'stealing' their idea. The law that you would be breaking is Copyright Infringement if not getting permission.

I will need permission for the photographs I take if people are in it or if a company name will appear on my pictures.

Permission and release forms

  • Making sure when taking the picture to frame it so that the object of importance I'm wanted to take a picture of will only be in that picture.
  • Time of day to take the picture to avoid people been in my image, which means I wouldn't have to get permission.
  • Gaining permission is not just about getting permission to take picture of people/models it is also getting permission for using certain locations like company building, private land or on private land.
  • Make sure the location that you are wanting to use is either public or private by looking it up.
  • Avoid using telephoto lens in public because it is always in focus even from a distance, if using it and not getting permission it can get you in to trouble.
  • Be careful not to take picture in public places of children, NO!

Who is in the photograph?&Is it public or private land?

Legal and ethical
The reasons we have to think about representations in our photographs is because:
  • Don't want to misrepresent a certain social group due to stereotypes (race, religion,age, gender, class, ability, disability).
  • Your model needs to be happy with what you have taking, if they don't like it then take it again and they will know what your intensions of the photograph is going to be used for.
  • Don't want to re-enforce stereotypes especially in a defamatory way (a very negative way).

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