Wednesday 3 June 2015

LO2 (task 6) call sheet, risk assessments and recce forms.

Sheffield Cathedral

Equipement: For this photograph I used a Conon 650D Camera this was so I could change the lens to a wide shot lens to enable me to get the whole of the building I wanted into the frame.

Golden Post Box

Equipment: For this photograph I used a Conon 650D Camera with a Standard kit lens, I used this because I wanted to be able to get close and get the whole Post box in the frame.

Henderson's Relish

Equipment: The camera that I used to take this photo was a Canon 650D this was so I could change my lens to a wide shot lens so I could bet all of the building into it.

Sheffield Forgemasters

Equipment: Conon 650D is the type of camera I used to take this photo with a telephoto lens, the reason I used this lens was to get a close up of the building without moving closely to it.

Sheffield Wednesday Football Ground

Equipment: I used a Canon 650D Camera for this photograph with a Fish-eye lens so I could make th photograph look more real and 3D.

For all of these photograph I didn't need to get permission to take them, this was because I was on public footpaths and wasn't on the private land.

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